SPRUI30H November 2015 – May 2024 DRA745 , DRA746 , DRA750 , DRA756
RGB or YUV444 data is sent in 24b Interface Mode. The three components are packed into the data bus and sent to the VPDMA. The 24-bit Luma VPI client to the VPDMA carries all three components. This data is saved to the DDR in packed mode. That is, the three components are not separated by hardware. The 24-bit data bus is shown in Figure 9-25.
Ancillary data is saved in the Ancillary Data buffer. The VIP_PORT_A[5:4] CTRL_CHAN_SEL and VIP_PORT_B[5:4] CTRL_CHAN_SEL configuration register is used to select whether the ancillary data is from the R/Y, G/U, or B/V channels.
In 24b interface mode YUV4:4:4 data is also supported. The flow for YUV4:4:4 data is the same as RGB data (Figure 9-25 ). Bits [23:16] of the input data bus are placed on bits [23:16] of the data bus going to VPDMA, bits [15:8] of the input bus are placed on bits [15:8] of the data bus going to VPDMA and finally bits [7:0] of the input data bus, are placed on bits [7:0] on the bus going to VPDMA.