SPRUI30H November 2015 – May 2024 DRA745 , DRA746 , DRA750 , DRA756
The DSP subsystem relies on the DSP C66x CorePac local interrupt controller - DSP_INTC for mapping the various input interrupts to the C66x CPU, that are :
In addition, a non-maskable input interrupt, direct mapped on a C66x processor NMI input is implemented. It is mapped via a register that resides within the device Control Module. Both the maskable interrupts and the non-maskable interrupts are synchronized internally.
Part of the DSP subsystem module generated interrupts which are output as follows:
Figure 5-5 shows how are the interrupt sources organized. To manage and expand the interrupt capabilities of the DSP C66x CorePac (internal and external interrupt requests), the DSP subsystem includes two levels of interrupt control :