SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
A packet transfer notion is related to the behavior of some peripherals, which have certain buffering capability and requires to transfer the buffer content once an element number threshold is reached (a hardware DMA request is generated). To associate a frame synchronization to each DMA request is possible, but this limits the maximum transfer size. Indeed the maximum transfer size is proportional to the FIFO depth of the peripheral:
maximum_transfer_size =peripheral_FIFO_depth x number_of_frame_in_block
The packet synchronization allows to dissociate the transfer size from the FIFO depth of the peripheral. Only Constant addressing mode is allowed on a read port or a write port if source target or destination target is packet synchronized respectively.
Consider a camera interface with a FIFO_depth of 128 words and a FIFO_element_number_threshold of 128, and a picture to transfer with a size 320 lines by 240 columns. If frame synchronization is associated with each DMA request then the maximum transfer size that can be performed is 128x216 words. In this case, a frame is 128-word long, which does not fit the size of a line, and it is not possible to generate an interrupt at the end of line. However, by introducing the packet transfer notion, which is related to the peripheral FIFO behavior/structure, the maximum transfer size (maximum_transfer_size = 224 x 216 words) is independent of both peripheral_FIFO_depth and FIFO_element_number_threshold. This allows a long-enough transfer within one channel context and rotation operation on a large image format.
The main features of DMA Packet transfer are as follows:
The packet size can be a submultiple or non-submultiple of a frame size. If DMA Packet_Data_Size is aligned on the DMA channel block data size boundary, then DMA transfers the last data in the channel block boundary and stops at the block boundary for the last packet DMA Request. If the Packet_Data_size is not aligned on the block boundary, the remaining data smaller than a packet size are transferred using burst or single accesses to complete the block.
The packet synchronization mode is active when DMA4_CCRi[5] FS = DMA4_CCRi[18] BS = 1. Then:
The maximum transfer size, regardless of the packet size, is always:
Block_size = Number_of_Frame_in_Block x Number_of_Element_in_Frame x Element_Size.
If DMA channel packet/burst access is across the packet boundary, the DMA hardware automatically splits this packing/burst access into multiple smaller accesses that are aligned on the packet boundary. Otherwise, the DMA transfers data as a usual packing/burst access.