SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
For a given wrapping mode, the module automatically goes through a specific number of sections as data is being fed into the module. For each section, the BCH core can be enabled (in which case the data is fed to the BCH divider) or not (in which case the BCH simply counts to the end of the section). When enabled, the data is added to the ongoing calculation for a given sector number (for example, number 0).
Wrapping modes are described as follows. To better understand and see the real-life read and write sequences implemented with each mode, see Section, Supported NAND Page Mappings and ECC Schemes.
For each mode:
Wrapping modes 8 through 11 insert a 1-nibble padding where the BCH processing is OFF. This is intended for t = 4 ECC, where ECC is 6 bytes long and the ECC area is expected to include (at least) 1 unused nibble to remain byte-aligned.