SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The McASP has one transmit data formatting unit and one receive data formatting unit, shared between the device McASP serializers. These units automatically remap the data bits within the transmitted or received words between a natural format for the device processors (for example, a Q31 representation) and the required format for the external serial device (for example I2S format). During the remapping process, the format unit can also mask off certain bits.
Since all transmitters share the same data formatting unit, the McASP only supports one transmit format at a time. For example, the McASP does NOT transmit in "I2S format" on serializer 0, while transmitting "Left Justified" on serializer 1. Likewise, the receiver section of the McASP only supports one data format at a time, and this format applies to all receiving serializers.
The McASP can transmit in one format while receiving in a completely different format.
The bit mask and pad stage of each of Tx and Rx format units includes a full 32-bit mask register, allowing selected individual bits to either pass through the stage unchanged, or be masked off. The bit mask and pad then pad the value of the masked off bits by inserting either a 0, a 1, or one of the original 32 bits as the pad value. The last option allows for sign-extension when the sign bit is selected to pad the remaining bits. The rotate right stage performs bitwise rotation by a multiple of 4 bits (between 0 and 28 bits), programmable by the MCASP_RXFMT/MCASP_TXFMT register. Note that this is a rotation process, not a shifting process, so bit 0 gets shifted back into bit 31 during the rotation. The bit order - reversal stage either passes all 32 bits directly through, or swaps them. This allows for either MSB or LSB first data formats. If bit order reversal is not enabled, then the McASP will naturally transmit and receive in an LSB first order. Finally, note that the RDATDLY/XDATDLY bits in the MCASP_RXFMT/MCASP_TXFMT also determine the data format. For example, the difference between I2S format and left-justified is determined by the delay between the frame sync edge and the first data bit of a given time slot. For I2S format, RDATDLY/XDATDLY should be set to a 1-bit delay, whereas for left-justified format, it should be set to a 0-bit delay. The combination of all the options in MCASP_RXFMT/MCASP_TXFMT means that the McASP supports a wide variety of data formats, both on the serial data lines, and in the device CPU data representation.