SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The HDQ1W provides the following interrupt status:
A write operation of one byte was completed. Successful or failed completion is not indicated, because there is no acknowledgment from the slave in HDQ protocol. This interrupt condition is cleared by reading the interrupt status register (HDQ_INT_STATUS).
In HDQ mode, the interrupt status indicates that a byte has been successfully read. This interrupt condition is cleared by reading the interrupt status register (HDQ_INT_STATUS).
In HDQ mode, the interrupt status indicates that after a read command initiated by the host, the slave did not pull the line low within the specified time. This interrupt condition is cleared by reading the interrupt status register (HDQ_INT_STATUS).
In HDQ mode, a time-out condition is also used to indicate the successful completion of a break pulse. That is, if the master has sent the break pulse, it is indicated with a time-out instead of a TX-complete.
Only one interrupt is generated to the host CPU based on any of these interrupt conditions. A read operation on the interrupt status register clears all the interrupt status bits that were previously set.