SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The source of VCP1_CLK and VCP2_CLK is a interface clock signal L3MAIN1_L3_GICLK from CD_L3MAIN in PRCM.
The VCP1_CLK and VCP2_CLK run at the L3/L4 interconnect clock speeds. It is used to trigger access to the VCP modules - L3_MAIN to DATA port and L4_CFG to CFG port interfaces through the Cortex-A15 MPU/DSP shared bus.
At the PRCM level, when all the conditions to shut off the L3MAIN1_L3_GICLK clock are met the PRCM module automatically launches a hardware handshake protocol to ensure VCP1 and VCP2 are ready to have this clock switched off. Namely, the PRCM module asserts an IDLE request to the VCP modules.
At the PRCM level the status of VCP modules clock signals observe by registers: CM_L3MAIN1_VCP1_CLKCTRL and CM_L3MAIN1_VCP2_CLKCTRL.
For more information, refer to Chapter 3, Power, Reset, and Clock Management.