IPIPE can generate several interrupts:
- IPIPE_INT_DPC_RNEW0 and IPIPE_INT_DPC_RNEW1: This event is triggered when there is permission to initialize LUT-DPC table lines 0 and 1.
- IPIPE_INT_DPC_INI: This event is triggered when the defect pixel correction (DPC) table is initialized.
- IPIPE_INT_HST: This event is triggered when the histogram is done.
- IPIPE_INT_BSC: This event is triggered when boundary signal calculation is done.
- IPIPE_INT_DMA: This event is triggered when the boxcar SDRAM transfer is done. On this timing, IPIPE_INT_EOF is sent to the BL. This event is active high for one GCK_MMR clock cycle.
- IPIPE_INT_LAST_PIX: This event is triggered when the last pixel of a frame comes into IPIPE. This event is active high for one GCK_MMR clock cycle. Also, this signal can not be used if DPC is used before NSF3V.
- IPIPE_INT_EOF: This event is triggered for end of frame.
The interrupts are enabled from the ISP5_IRQENABLE_SET_i register (where i = 0 to 3 for the line that will be mapped to the four lines of the ISP). Then, each line from the ISP is sent to the ISS top level, where it is muxed with other ISS modules for a total output of six interrupt lines. See Section 9.1.2, ISS Functional Description.