SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
In addition to the DMA4_CCENi (remaining elements) and DMA4_CCFNi (remaining frames) registers that are used to monitor the transfer progress, a per-channel register, DMA4_CCDNi (channel current active descriptor number), monitors which descriptor in the list is active. The user must initialize the DMA4_CCDNi register to 0 during the initial configuration. When the DMA4_CCDNi register is updated, the DMA4_CCFNi and the DMA4_CCENi registers are updated. The user must also initialize the DMA4_CCFNi and DMA4_CCENi registers to 0xFFFF and to 0xFFFFFF, respectively, to track the effective transfer start of synchronized transfer.