SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The typical scenario is to use the DMA to service the McASP transmit and receive logic through the DATA port, although the DMA can also service the McASP through the configuration bus (CFG). The transfer passes through integrated AFIFO transmit/receive buffer. If AFIFO is enabled, DMA requests are collected and fed to a device DMA controller (see Figure 26-119). The data transfer is managed by the AFIFO according to generated transmit and receive events in the McASP and data is fed to transmit buffers and fetched from receive buffers as described in Section The generation of transmit and receive request is described below. After generation of transmit/receive DMA events from McASP module, these events are collected in AFIFO and on specific AFIFO conditions described in Section the requests (transmit or receive) are forwarded to a DMA controller via MCASPi_DREQ_TX and MCASPi_DREQ_RX outputs. If the AFIFO is disabled (default state) it is transperrant for the McASP module and all request are directly sent to the DMA controller.
In transmit mode, the DMA event - AXEVT (MCASPi_DREQ_TX output), which is triggered upon each XDATA transition from 0 to 1, is used to service the McASP TXBUFn transmit buffers. In receive mode, the DMA event AREVT (MCASPi_DREQ_RX output) which is triggered upon each RDATA transition from 0 to 1, is used to service the McASP RXBUFn receive buffers.
Figure 26-130 is an example of an audio system with six audio channels (LF, RF, LS, RS, C and LFE) transmitted or received through the McASP signals - AXR0, AXR1 and AXR2. It shows the points at which events AXEVT/AREVT are triggered.
In Figure 26-130, a Tx DMA event AXEVT is triggered on each time slot. In the example, AXEVT is triggered for each of the transmit audio channel time slot (time slot for channels LF, LS, and C; and time slot for channels RF, RS, LFE). Transmit DMA events are generated automatically upon transmit data ready, provided that DMA TX requests generation is enabled in the MCASP_XEVTCTL register. Similarly, Rx DMA event AREVT is triggered for each of the receive audio channel time slot. Receive DMA events are generated automatically upon receive data ready, provided that DMA RX requests generation is enabled in the MCASP_REVTCTL register.