SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
In ITU-656/BT.1120 embedded sync streams, the values 0x00 and 0xFF are reserved for sync detection. These values are illegal in the rest of the stream. Only when the ITU-1364 standard came out to for digitally inserted vertical blanking data structures did the 0x00 and 0xFF codes get re-used in the packet synchronization structure.
The VIP_PARSER supports one configuration bit that, when enabled, changes all 0x00 to 0x01 and 0xFF to 0xFE in the vertical ancillary data. Another configuration bit, when enabled, changes all 0x00 to 0x01 and 0xFF to 0xFE in the active video portion of the input picture.
Generally, clipping is only desired for discrete sync input data captured from a NTSC/PAL decoder type of device which does not follow pixel range rules. For Discrete Sync input, the possibility to clip inputs to legal values exists. Clipping is desired if the picture sent to DRAM will be streamed out of the IC again usin an ITU-656/BT.1120 style output port. If the picture is processed inside the SOC before it is streamed out, then the processing procedure or the output streaming hardware needs to ensure that illegal values are not in the stream.
For Embedded Sync input, illegal values should not exist except for the ITU-1364 data sync sequence 00-FF-FF. Otherwise, the VIP Parser cannot determine good EAV/SAV. In the hardware, clipping is allowed for Embedded Sync streams even though it is not particularly a useful feature.
Note that if the clipping is enabled for ancillary data, the post processing software will never be able to find a data packet sync header, since the 00-FF-FF sequence will be changed to 01-FE-FE.
For 24-bit YUV, clipping is done on each 8 bit channel. If data[23:16]==0xFF, the clipped value will be 0xFE. If data[23:16]==0x00, the clipped value will be 0x01. Likewise, clipping is done for data bit ranges 15:8 and 7:0
From a software point of view, clipping should never be enabled for 24-bit RGB. RGB should use the full 8-bit quantization range for each color component. The hardware, however, will clip RGB in active video, if VIP_MAIN[5] CLIP_ACTIVE=’1’. The clipping will be done on each 8-bit channel as described for 24-bit YUV.