SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
Figure 26-74 shows all of the McSPI interface signals in slave mode.
Table 26-197 describes the McSPI I/O in slave mode.
Device-Level Signal Name | Module Signal Name | I/O(1) | Description |
spim_sclk | SPICLK | I | McSPIm module serial clock input |
spim_d[0] | SPIDAT[0] | I(2) | SPI Data I/O. Can be configured either as input or as output depending on MCSPI_CHxCONF[18] IS and MCSPI_CHxCONF[16] DPE0. |
spim_d[1] | SPIDAT[1] | O(2) | SPI Data I/O. Can be configured either as input or as output depending on MCSPI_CHxCONF[18] IS and MCSPI_CHxCONF[17] DPE1. |
spim_cs[i] | SPIEN[x] | I | McSPIm module chip-select i input. Can be selected through MCSPI_CH0CONF[22:21] SPIENSLV bit field |