SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The HDQ1W provides the following interrupt status:
A write operation of one byte was completed. Successful or failed completion is not indicated, because there is no acknowledgment from the slave in 1-Wire protocol. This interrupt condition is cleared by reading the interrupt status register (HDQ_INT_STATUS).
In 1-Wire mode, the interrupt status indicates that a byte has been successfully read. This interrupt condition is cleared by reading the interrupt status register (HDQ_INT_STATUS).
In 1-Wire mode, the interrupt status indicates that it is now valid to check the PRESENCEDETECT bit. This interrupt condition is cleared by reading the interrupt status register (HDQ_INT_STATUS).
Only one interrupt is generated to the host CPU based on any of these interrupt conditions. A read operation on the interrupt status register clears all interrupt status bits that were previously set.