SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The L2 Memory error detection and correction logic (ECC) implements a distance-3 “detect 2, correct 1” Hamming code based error correction / detection algorithm. A 12-bit hamming code per 256-bit is used.
The L2 error detection and correction logic features:
The two L2 memory error correction events are exported outside the DSP C66x CorePac in the subsystem, and can be enabled to trigger the ERRINT_IRQ aggregated interrupt output. See also corresponding "UMC_ED1" and "UMC_ED2" events in the Table 5-5.
The L2 error detection events are not exported outside DSP subsystem. However they are merged (OR-ed) along with other error event sources within the DSP subsystem to produce a single ERRINT_IRQ interrupt exported outside the DSP subsystem.
For more details on ERRINT_IRQ generation and asscoiated event registers at DSP_SYSTEM level, refer to the Section
For more details on L2 error detection and correction logic, refer to the section L2 Error Detection and Correction of theTMS320C66x DSP CorePac User Guide, ( SPRUGW0C).