SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
ELM_LOCATION_CONFIG global setting parameters must be set before using the error-location engine. The ELM_LOCATION_CONFIG[1:0] ECC_BCH_LEVEL bit field defines the error-correction level used (4-,8-, or 16-bit error correction). The ELM_LOCATION_CONFIG[26:16] ECC_SIZE bit field defines the maximum buffer length beyond which the engine processing no longer looks for errors.
Software can choose to use the ELM in continuous mode or page mode. If all ELM_PAGE_CTRL[i] SECTOR_i bits (i is the syndrome polynomial number, where i = 0 to 7) are reset, continuous mode is used. In any other case, page mode is implicitly selected.
For completion interrupts to be generated correctly, all ELM_IRQENABLE[i] LOCATION_MASK_i bits (where i = 0 to 7) must be forced to 0 when in page mode, and set to 1 in continuous mode. Additionally, the ELM_IRQENABLE[8] PAGE_MASK bit must be set to 1 when in page mode.
Software initiates error-location processing by writing a syndrome polynomial into one of the eight possible register sets. Each of these register sets includes seven registers: ELM_SYNDROME_FRAGMENT_0_i to ELM_SYNDROME_FRAGMENT_6_i. The first six registers can be written in any order, but ELM_SYNDROME_FRAGMENT_6_i must be written last because it includes the validity bit, which instructs the ELM that this syndrome polynomial must be processed (the ELM_SYNDROME_FRAGMENT_6_i[16] SYNDROME_VALID bit).
As soon as one validity bit is asserted (ELM_SYNDROME_FRAGMENT_6_i[16] SYNDROME_VALID = 0x1, where i = 0 to 7), error-location processing can start for the corresponding syndrome polynomial. The associated ELM_LOCATION_STATUS_i and ELM_ERROR_LOCATION_0_i to ELM_ERROR_LOCATION_15_i registers (where i = 0 to 7) are not reset. Software must not consider them until the corresponding ELM_IRQSTATUS[i] LOC_VALID_i bit is set.