SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The transmit data ready flag - XDATA in the MCASP_TXSTAT register reflects the data ready status of XRBUFn buffers for all of the active slot transmitting serializers. The XDATA flag is set whenever data is transferred from a transmitting serializer buffer - XRBUFn to its corresponding XRSRn shift register. Thus, the XDATA bit indicates the global event that some of the serializers data buffer - XRBUFn is emptied and ready to accept new data from the host (CPU or DMA). The transmit data ready event is individually indicated per serializer in its corresponding control register MCASP_XRSRCTLn[4] XRDY status bit. When this bit is set to 0b1, it notifies to host that this serializer Tx buffer must be serviced (written). When MCASP_TXBUFn is written to by the host, the MCASP_XRSRCTLn[4] XRDY is deasserted to 0b0. As XDATA global flag is an OR-event of all active serializers XRDY flags, it indicates to software the moment, when write service operation has to be initiated by the McASP host (XDATA=0b1). The XRDY flags have to be sequentially scanned by user software to determine which serializer MCASP_TXBUFn register has to be currently written. Once all requested MCASP_TXBUFn are written, the serializers control XRDY flags are cleared to 0b0. As a consequence, XDATA flag is deasserted to 0b0, to indicate to SW that write operation is completed for all serializers.
The global XDATA flag can be cleared when the MCASP_TXSTAT[5] XDATA bit is written to 0b1, or once MCASP_TXBUFn registers of all the serializers, that have previously raised their XRDY flags, are written with corresponding active slot data by the host.
Whenever XDATA is set, the AXEVT event is automatically generated on MCASPi_DREQ_TX line (if enabled in the MCASP_XEVTCTL register) to notify the DMA of the MCASP_TXBUFn empty status. An interrupt - MCASPi_IRQ_AXEVT can be also generated if the XDATA interrupt is enabled in the MCASP_EVTCTLX register (for details, see Section, Transmit Data Ready Interrupt).
For DMA requests, the McASP does not require that MCASP_TXSTAT be read between DMA events. This means that, even if MCASP_TXSTAT already has the XDATA flag set to 1 from a previous request, the next transfer triggers another DMA request.
Because the serializer acts in lockstep, only one DMA event is generated to indicate that the transmit serializer is ready to be written to with new data.
Figure 26-128 shows the timing details of when AXEVT is generated at the McASP boundary. In this example, as soon as the last bit (A0) of word A is transmitted, the McASP sets the XDATA flag and generates an AXEVT event. However, it takes up to five McASP interface clocks (AXEVT latency) before AXEVT is active at the McASP boundary. Upon AXEVT, the CPU can begin servicing the McASP by writing word C into the MCASP_TXBUFn (service time). The CPU must write word C into the MCASP_TXBUFn within the setup time required by the McASP (setup time).
The maximum service time (see Figure 26-128) can be calculated as:
Service Time = Time Slot – AXEVT Latency –Setup Time