SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
A list is a group of descriptors that makes up a set of DMA transfers that need to be completed. The VPDMA supports two types of lists: a Regular List and a Self-Modifying List.
The VPDMA Controller works on lists of descriptors. In this mode the processor writes the lists of descriptors in the order it wants them executed. It then writes the location of the list to the VPE_LIST_ADDR register, followed by writing the size (bit LIST_SIZE) and type (bit LIST_TYPE) of the list, and list number (bit LIST_NUM) to the LIST_ATTR register. The List Manager module then schedules a DMA transfer to pull in the portion of the list that it can store in internal VPDMA memory. The List Manager will sequentially process the active list of descriptors until either the descriptor requires the use of a client that is currently active, or if it is waiting for the next portion of the list to be transferred from a DMA request. If there is no active list to process the list manager will go into an IDLE mode waiting for any client that is blocking a list or a list DMA transfer to complete.
All the DMA transfers are controlled by List Manager module inside VPDMA. List Manager needs to be loaded with FIRMWARE, before any DMA transfer from memory, after the VPDMA reset. The first MMR write to VPE_LIST_ADDR register after VPDMA reset should be the address of the memory buffer(128-bit aligned, that is, last four bits of the buffer address should be zero) where the firmware is stored. List Manager then schedules a DMA transaction to fetch the firmware and sets the list_attr.rdy bit after the firmware loading is complete.