SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The Mflag events generated by DSP subsystem EVTOUT bus are represented in the Figure 5-5.
A couple of the DSP EVTOUT bus outputs - EVTOUT[31] and EVTOUT[30] are used for generation of MFLAGs dedicated to the DSP MDMA and EDMA ports, respectively. DSP MFLAGs are connected directly to DMM and EMIF. The DSP MFLAGs participate in the DMM Emergency and EMIF MFLAG prioritization schemes. At the L3 Level Bandwidth regulators connected to the DSP MDMA and EDMA ports can be used to control DSP traffic versus other device traffic.
The device DSP subsystem is able to generate the 2 output Mflag events via the following DSP_SYSTEM module located registers :
Only EVTOUT[31:30] outputs are implemented in the device, hence only bits [31:30] of the mentioned DSP_SYS_EVTOUT_x registers are used.
The DSP_SYS_EVTOUT_SET register unconditionally drives the corresponding output event to '1'. The DSP_SYS_EVTOUT_CLR register unconditionally drives the corresponding output event to a '0'.