SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The EDMA_TPCC provides a mechanism known as linking, which allows the entire PaRAM set to be reloaded from a location within the PaRAM memory map (for both DMA and QDMA channels). Linking is especially useful for maintaining ping-pong buffers, circular buffering, and repetitive/continuous transfers with no CPU intervention. Upon completion of a transfer, the current transfer parameters are reloaded with the parameter set pointed that the 16-bit link address field of the current parameter set points to. Linking only occurs when the EDMA_TPCC_OPT_n[3] STATIC bit is cleared.
It should always link a transfer (EDMA or QDMA) to another useful transfer. If it must terminate a transfer, then link the transfer to a NULL parameter set. Refer to Section Null PaRAM Set.
The link update occurs after the current PaRAM set event parameters have been exhausted. An event's parameters are exhausted when the EDMA channel controller has submitted all of the transfers that are associated with the PaRAM set.
A link update occurs for null and dummy transfers depending on the state of the EDMA_TPCC_OPT_n[3] STATIC bit and the EDMA_TPCC_LNK_n[15:0] LINK field. In both cases (null or dummy), if the value of EDMA_TPCC_LNK_n[15:0] LINK is FFFFh, then a null PaRAM set (with all 0s and EDMA_TPCC_LNK_n[15:0] LINK set to FFFFh) is written to the current PaRAM set.
Similarly, if EDMA_TPCC_LNK_n[15:0] LINK is set to a value other than FFFFh, then the appropriate PaRAM location that EDMA_TPCC_LNK_n[15:0] LINK points to is copied to the current PaRAM set.
Once the channel completion conditions are met for an event, the transfer parameters that are located at the link address are loaded into the current DMA or QDMA channel’s associated parameter set. This indicates that the EDMA_TPCC reads the entire set (eight words) from the PaRAM set specified by EDMA_TPCC_LNK_n[15:0] LINK and writes all eight words to the PaRAM set that is associated with the current channel. Figure 18-22 shows an example of a linked transfer.
Any PaRAM set in the PaRAM can be used as a link/reload parameter set. The PaRAM sets associated with peripheral synchronization events (refer to Section Event, Channel, and PaRAM Mapping) only use for linking if the corresponding events are disabled.
If a PaRAM set location is defined as a QDMA channel PaRAM set (by EDMA_TPCC_QCHMAPN_j register), then copying the link PaRAM set into the current QDMA channel PaRAM set is recognized as a trigger event. It is latched in EDMA_TPCC_QER because a write to the trigger word was performed. This feature is used to create a linked list of transfers using a single QDMA channel and multiple PaRAM sets. Refer to Section QDMA Channels.
Linking to itself replicates the behavior of auto-initialization, thus facilitating the use of circular buffering and repetitive transfers. After an EDMA channel exhausts its current PaRAM set, it reloads all of the parameter set entries from another PaRAM set, which is initialized with values that are identical to the original PaRAM set. Figure 18-23 shows an example of a linked to self transfer. Here, the PaRAM set 511 has the link field pointing to the address of parameter set 511 (linked to self).
If the in EDMA_TPCC_OPT_n[3] STATIC bit is set for a PaRAM set, then link updates are not performed.