SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
After power up, the APLL_PCIE.RESETN input is automatically pulled low by the PRM, together with the DPLL_PCIE_REF.SYSRESETN input. Because PRM.COREAON_PWRON_RST is an asynchronous reset, the DPLL_PCIE_REF input clock (DPLL_PCIE_REF.CLKINP) is not demanded upon reset. During APLL power-up mode, CLKVCOLDO and CLKVCOLDO_DIV clocks are maintained inactive (pulled low). After power-up reset, the APLL_LOCK (internal lock loop) signal is maintained deasserted, too. The default value of the mode select register bit field PRCM.CM_CLKMODE_APLL_PCIE[1:0] MODE_SELECT = 0x0 puts the DPLL_PCIE_REF in unknown state. It is software responability to change the state of the APLL_PCIE to desired mode after PRCM reset.