SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
A regular list executes each descriptor in order until the end of the list is reached. When the end of the list is reached an interrupt is sent and the list can be reused by software. A regular list can contain any descriptor types. Software creates the list at some location in external memory. After completing writing the list software then writes the location of the list to the VIP_LIST_ADDR[31:0] VIP_LIST_ADDR register and then writes the VIP_LIST_ATTR register. If the NUMBER in the VIP_LIST_ATTR[26:24] LIST_NUM is not an active list then the List will be loaded and begin to execute the next time the List Manager gets to IDLE after processing previous loaded lists. If the NUMBER in the VIP_LIST_ATTR[26:24] LIST_NUM is busy then the VIP_LIST_ADDR and VIP_LIST_ATTR registers will be locked until the active list specified by NUMBER completes.
The different ports inside VPDMA requires different list setup, as explained in the following sections.