SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The RGB2RGB blending module transforms the RGB data generated by the CFA interpolation module using a 3 × 3 square matrix transformation in combination with an added offset. The RGB-to-RGB blending is calculated using the formula shown in Figure 9-67. Each gain range is from –8 to +7.996 with step 1/256 = 0.004, and is set in the IPIPE_RGB1_MUL_RR to IPIPE_RGB1_MUL_BB registers. The offset range for each component is from –4096 to 4095, and is set in the IPIPE_RGB1_OFT_OR to IPIPE_RGB1_OFT_OB registers.
If the input is YUV422 and RGB mode is selected (SRC_FMT [FMT]=3, SRC_FMT [FMT2]=2), this module is used as YUV444toRGB conversion.
In case of YUV input, RGB are replaced by YCbCr
R_in/G_in/B_in are expanded to S13 to support these modes
One typical equation for YUVtoRGB conversion is the following, which converts JPEG YUV to RGB.
The matrix corresponding to this equation is