SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
A warm reset can be asserted by the device, by an external button (typically for a development platform), or by any other chip connected to it (normally tied to PMIC companion NRESWARM output pin).
The device warm reset pad (resetn - device signal SYS_WARM_IN_RST) is used to trigger a warm reset on the device, which resets part of the device when it has already booted (for example, to recover from a software crash). When an internal device reset occurs, SYS_NRES_WARM_OUT output and device pad rstoutn go low and reset all the peripherals.
The device releases the SYS_NRES_WARM_OUT output signal after SYS_PWRON_RST is deasserted.