SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The cold main reset has as a source - the device PRCM L3INIT_PWRON_RST power-on reset. For more information on the PCIe controller hardware reset inputs see Section 26.9.3, PCIe Controller Integration).
The L3INIT_PWRON_RST assertion by PRCM resets all PCIe controller registers including the TI wrapper configuration registers (note that the PCIe device type in the PCIECTRL_TI_CONF_DEVICE_TYPE register is reset by default to "Root Complex").
For more information on the PRCM.L3INIT_PWRON_RST hardware reset, refer to Reset Domains, in Power, Reset, and Clock Management.