SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
When a warm reset event occurs:
Therefore, when a warm reset event occurs, the output buffer is disabled. Consequently, two different behaviors can be defined with regard to what is expected by the platform:
To prevent a floating pad, user software is designed to have the internal pad PU and PD resistors enabled immediately, before the software warm reset action, because the warm reset-sensitive GPIO controllers will change I/O direction to input after an device warm reset. This is necessary if the warm reset-sensitive GPIO controller pin has been configured for output before the warm reset occurrence. The pulls-enabled-before-warm-reset condition should be set by default in case the user has configured a GPIO as an input, because in this case the user is expected to have enabled the internal PU and PD pads during GPIO configuration (unless external pull resistors were used).
If the PU and PD resistors are enabled immediately by software after a POR (cold reset) for a GPIO that is planned to be used only as an output, then unnecessary power consumption can occur.
While the dynamically-enable-the-pull-just-before-warm-reset condition is possible during a software warm reset (because the user software is aware of the exact moment a warm reset event occurs), it is not possible when the warm reset is triggered by hardware (for example, a watchdog reset, SYS_NRESWARM signal assertion, and so forth), because the software is not aware of the exact moment of these warm reset assertions.
To avoid getting a floating signal during (and after) a warm reset event and to keep the same value that was driven before the reset, users must align the pull value with the drive value each time a dedicated GPIO register is accessed.
To avoid unnecessary consumption, the user software must ensure that internal pull resistor is disabled when the GPIO buffer is driving.
For the description of the reset sequences and information about the device reset management, see Section 3.5, Reset Management Functional Description, in Chapter 3, Power, Reset and Clock Management. For more information about the device reset sequences, see the device Data Manual.