SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
Table 8-346 explains the symbols used in the instruction Pseudo Code descriptions.
All immediate values are unsigned (zero-extended) or signed (sign-extended) to match the relevant associated operand size. For example, zero (or sign) extended to 32 bits for operations with architectural registers (32 bit in size), zero-extended to 32 bits for operation with SP (32 bits in size), and zero-extended to the width of the PC for operations with the PC.
Although the instruction set architecture (ISA) does not contain a writable program counter (PC) register, in the description of some instructions (especially in the pseudo code), a conceptual register, PC, has been used. This is to simplify the description and does not imply existence of such a physical register.
Symbol | Meaning |
AND | bitwise AND |
areg | architectural register (R0-R7) |
baseR | base address register |
creg | control register |
dst | destination operand |
GDP | global data pointer register |
lmb0(x) | leftmost 0 bit search of x |
lmb1(x) | leftmost 1 bit search of x |
lsbn | n least-significant bits (for example, lsb32) |
opn | field within opcode that specifies a unique instruction |
OR | bitwise OR |
PC | program counter |
sat | saturate |
SP | stack pointer register |
src1 | source operand 1 |
src2 | source operand 2 |
sreg | shadow register |
ucstn | n-bit unsigned immediate constant field (for example, ucst6) |
XOR | bitwise exclusive-OR |
+ | addition |
- | subtraction |
× | multiplication |
/ | division |
% | modulo |
~ | logical inverse |
++ | increment by 1 |
== | equal to |
> | greater than |
>= | greater than or equal to |
< | less than |
<= | less than or equal to |
<< | shift left |
>> | shift right |
&& | logical AND |