SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The Repacker module rearranges the input bit ordering of the 24-bit data bus on Port A of each VIP slice. This module allows external input data to be presented to the datapath such that various data packing formats can be achieved in memory. As shown in Figure 11-15, a Repacker exists for each 24-bit input port.
The Repacker module is a simple multiplexer that serves to move input bits to different locations on the its output bus to VIP Parser. Figure 11-15 shows the supported bytelane swapping modes corresponding to different VIP_XTRA_PORT_A[30:28] REPACK_SEL settings.
16-bit RAW data entering the VIP subsystem is packed as a contiguous input bus from bits 15 to 0. This 16-bit RAW input must be remapped to the RGB565 format, so that it can be saved to DDR memory properly, because the VPDMA does not support the RAW16 input format natively. Instead, the RAW 16 format is first remapped as RGB565 data and then given to the VPDMA. Figure 11-16 describes the VIP_XTRA_PORT_A[30:28] REPACK_SEL = 6 option to remap a contiguous [15:0] RAW input data bus to a RGB565 compliant output bus. This RAW16 data will use RGB565 data types in the VPDMA Data Descriptors.
Figure 11-17 describes the mux configuration where 12 bit components are swapped. This mode may be useful when the input data is 12 bit per component YUV422 and is sent directly to memory.
There is no repacker for the 8-bit input port (Port B of each VIP slice).
The RAW16 and RAW12 mapping modes do not work for embedded sync streams.