SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The CPTS includes a time stamp counter half-rollover event. The half-rollover event indicates to software that the time stamp value has incremented from 7FFF FFFFh to 8000 0000h. The half-rollover event is included to enable software to correct a misaligned event condition. The half-rollover event is included to enable software to determine the correct time for each event that contains a valid time stamp value, such as an Ethernet event. If an Ethernet event occurs around a counter rollover (full rollover), the rollover event could possibly be loaded into the event FIFO before the Ethernet event, even though the Ethernet event time was actually taken before the rollover. Figure 26-222 shows a misalignment condition.
Host software must detect and correct for misaligned event conditions. For every event after a rollover and before a half-rollover, software must examine the time stamp most significant bit. If bit 31 of the time stamp value is low (0000 0000h through 7FFF FFFFh), then the event time stamp was taken after the rollover and no correction is required. If the value is high (8000 0000h through FFFF FFFFh), the time stamp value was taken before the rollover and a misalignment is detected. The misaligned case indicates to software that it must subtract one from the upper count value stored in software to calculate the correct time for the misaligned event. The misaligned event occurs only on the rollover boundary and not on the half-rollover boundary. Software only needs to check for misalignment from a rollover event to a half-rollover event.