SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The IPIPEIF module supports a double-buffer input function. This feature is most useful when SDRAM space is limited, because it enables to read continuously from two buffers and to push data to the rest of the ISP (ISIF, H3A, etc.) for further processing.
Consider the following configuration where data are read from two buffers, A and B. The intent is not only to read continuously from these buffers but also to ensure that the ISP modules consider the data as being from the same frame; that is, VD is generated the first time buffer A is read, but it must not toggle until all the frames are read.
The IPIPEIF module can mask the VD sync signal by setting the IPIPEIF_ENABLE[1] SYNCOFF bit such that the IPIPEIF module drives the data to the ISP modules as if it is a continuous frame data.
In the following example, there are 16 lines per trigger and input circular addressing. VNUM = 16 (see Figure 9-38), and the VD signal is generated only for the first frame (see Figure 9-40).