SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The general-purpose interface can be used as a keyboard interface. Channels can be dedicated based on the keyboard matrix (r × c). Figure 29-2 shows row channels configured as inputs with the input debounce feature enabled. The row channels are driven high with an external pullup. Column channels are configured as outputs and drive a low level.
When a keyboard matrix key is pressed, the corresponding row and column lines are shorted together and a low level is driven on the corresponding row channel. This generates an interrupt based on the proper configuration (see Section 29.4.6, Interrupt and Wake-up Requests).
When the keyboard interrupt is received, the processor (microprocessor unit [MPU] and/or digital signal processor [DSP] subsystem) can disable the keyboard interrupt and scan the column channels for the key coordinates.
At the end of the scanning sequence, the processor establishes which keys are pressed. The keyboard interface can then be reconfigured in the interrupt waiting state.