SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
There is no software control over the L4CFG_L4_GICLK and WKUPAON_GICLK clocks neither in the control module nor in the PRCM module. The L4CFG_L4_GICLK clock is automatically gated when there is no access to the CTRL_MODULE_CORE registers and the WKUPAON_GICLK is automatically gated when there is no access to the CTRL_MODULE_WKUP registers. There are clock activity status bits for these two clocks in the PRCM module.
The L3INSTR_TS_GCLK is controlled by the CTRL_CORE_BANDGAP_MASK_1[31:30] SIDLEMODE bit field. For more information, see Section
The L3INSTR_TS_GCLK has also the following software controls located in the PRCM module: