In D-PHY mode, the CSI2 PHY supports the following error detection and signaling to the associated receiver:
- ERRSOTHS: Flags 1-bit errors in the HS start of transmission synchronization pattern. In this error scenario, the CSI2 PHY continues to receive the data and pass it to the receiver, but confidence in the data may be low, because of the 1-bit error seen in sync. This signal, if asserted, is high for one cycle of RXBYTECLKHS.
- ERRSOTSYNCHS: Flags multiple bit errors in the HS start of transmission synchronization pattern. In this case, the CSI2 PHY cannot achieve proper synchronization and does not pass the received data to the receiver. This signal, if asserted, is high for one cycle of RXBYTECLKHS.
- ERRCONTROL: Flags the control sequence error; that is, when the LP sequence observed on line is not recognized as a valid control sequence. This signal, if asserted, is high until the next change in the state of the LP line.
- ERRESC: Flags the escape entry error; that is, when the escape entry sequence is unrecognized. This signal, if asserted, is high until the next change in the state of the LP line.
- ERRSYNCESC: Flags the low-power data transmission synchronization error. This error is flagged if the number of bits received during a low-power data transmission is not a multiple of 8 bits. This signal, if asserted, is high until the next change in the state of the LP line. In case the number of received bits is 1 less than a multiple of 8, RXVALIDESC is also asserted together with ERRSYNCESC, and an erroneous data byte is output on RXDATAESC. In other cases of this error, RXVALIDESC is not asserted and an erroneous data byte is not sent out.