SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
71:69 | 68:66 | 65 | 64 | 63:62 | 61:60 | 59:48 | 47:0 |
Supervisory Packet (SUPER)
When set, this field indicates that the packet with a matching multicast destination address is a supervisory packet.
0: Non-supervisory packet
1: Supervisory packet
Port Mask(2:0) (PORT_MASK)
This 3-bit field is the port bit mask that is returned with a found multicast destination address. There may be multiple bits set indicating that the multicast packet may be forwarded to multiple ports (but not the receiving port).
Multicast Forward State (MCAST_FWD_STATE)
Indicates the port state(s) required for the received port on a destination address lookup in order for the multicast packet to be forwarded to the transmit port(s). A transmit port must be in the Forwarding state in order to forward the packet. If the transmit PORT_MASk has multiple set bits then each forward decision is independent of the other transmit port(s) forward decision.
00 - Forwarding
01 - Blocking/Forwarding/Learning
10 - Forwarding/Learning
11 - Forwarding
The forward state test returns a true value if both the RX and TX ports are in the required state.
Table Entry Type (ENTRY_TYPE)
Address entry type. Unicast or multicast determined by address bit 40.
11: VLAN address entry. Unicast or multicast determined by address bit 40.
The unique identifier for VLAN identification. This is the 12-bit VLAN ID.
This is the 48-bit packet MAC address. For an OUI address, only the upper 24-bits of the address are used in the source or destination address lookup. Otherwise, all 48-bits are used in the lookup.