SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
Figure 8-3 and Figure 8-4 show the interrupts, general purpose signals, and DMA requests for each EVE instance.
EVE INT[7:0] Usage:
EVE_INT[7:0] are not connected to any chip-level or inter-EVE interrupt. These interrupts can be tied to any chip-level mailboxes or any other interrupts that are intended as wake-up interrupts.
TPCC Interrupts Usage:
TPCC interrupts are used as region-based interrupts. The transfers for different processors are divided into separate regions and on completion of a transfer the associated TPCC_INT interrupts the corresponding processor. Region 0 interrupt is reserved for the internal ARP32 processor. Region 1 is routed to the main processor unit (MPU) of the system. Region 2 is routed to DSP1, region 3 to DSP2, and region 4 to IPU.
GPIO Usage:
There are total of 64 general-purpose outputs (GPOs) and 64 general-purpose inputs (GPIs) in each EVE instance. The GPOs of each EVE are connected to the GPIs of all other EVEs, as shown in Figure 8-3 and Figure 8-4. The EVEs communicate their internal processing/task status to the other EVEs with these GPIO signals.
In addition, for each EVE instance, one GPO pin is connected to a DMA event of every EVE. This connection facilitates direct triggering of DMA from the targeted EVE. The EVE that is triggering the DMA transfer to another EVE must be aware of the status of the other EVE in order to safely initiate the DMA transfer. This should be managed in software if desired. For more information about general-purpose signals uses, see Section, General-Purpose Inputs/Outputs.