SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
Table 8-29 shows the SCTM configuration for EVE. The SCTM module is configured for eight 32-bit counters, two of which can be configured as timers. Timers are counters that include a threshold MMR value and an interrupt. The interrupt is pulsed when the counter reaches the programmed threshold. It is possible for any two even and odd counter pairs to be chained (through MMR) to operate as a 64-bit counter. The SCTM configuration in EVE supports the atomic read feature on counter[3:0] pair and counter[5:6] pair.
Generic | SCTM Feature/Parameter Details | Value | Number on Device |
CTM_NUMINPT | Number of event input signals supported | 0 to 127 | 31 |
CTM_NUMCNTR | Number of counters in the module | 1 to 32 | 8 |
CTM_NUMTIMR | Number of timers | 0 to 8 | 2 |
CTM_TIMINTPOLARITY | Timer interrupt polarity | 0 = Active low 1 = Active high | 1 |
CTM_TIMINTWIDTH | Timer interrupt pulse width | 1 or more | 2 |
CTM_NUMSTM | Number of counters for STM export | 0 to 32 | 0 |
CTM_CCMAVAIL | CCM frame export available | 0 = No 1 = Yes | 0 |
CTM_NUMDBGSGL | Number of debug event signals | 0 to 8 | 0 |
CTM_ASYNCIDLEREQ | Whether IDLE request is asynchronous signal | 0 = No 1 = Yes | 0 |
CTM_CNTR_ CHAINSHADOW | Atomicity feature for even-indexed counters | One per counter. 0 = No chain shadow feature 1 = Chain shadow feature in counter chain mode | Counter numbers 2 and 4 have the chaining feature. |