SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The second RGB2RGB blending module transforms the RGB data after gamma correction using the 3 × 3 square matrix transformation in combination with an added offset. The RGB-to-RGB blending is calculated using the formula shown in Figure 9-73. Each gain range is from –4 to +3.996 with step 1/256 = 0.004 (s3.8), and is set in the IPIPE_RGB2_MUL_RR to IPIPE_RGB2_MUL_BB registers. The offset is –1024 to 1023 (s11), and is set in the IPIPE_RGB2_OFT_OR to IPIPE_RGB2_OFT_OB registers.