SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
Any signal of interest from within the subsystem can be routed to this module and used to control the counters and timers in the module. The routing of the input events from the module boundary to an individual counter is accomplished through an input event multiplexer and is controlled by the INPSEL bit field in the CTCR_WT_j or CTCR_WOT_j register.
The SCTM supports a maximum of 127 input events. The details of the input events for a particular device are detailed in a device-specific appendix to this specification. Application and debug software can determine the number of counters in the SCTM by reading the NUMINPT field in the SCTM_CTCNTL register.