SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
This feature is especially intended for gateway and AUTOSAR based applications. The Host CPU can cancel a requested transmission from a dedicated Tx Buffer or a Tx Queue Buffer by setting bit MCAN_TXBCR[n] CRn = 1 (where n = 0 - 31). The corresponding bit position n is equivalent to the number of the Tx Buffer.
Transmit cancellation is not intended for Tx FIFO operation.
Successful cancellation is signalled by setting the corresponding bit of the MCAN_TXBCF register (MCAN_TXBCF[n] CFn = 1).
If transmission from a Tx Buffer is already ongoing and a transmit cancellation is requested, the corresponding MCAN_TXBRP[n] TRPn bit remains set as long as the transmission is in progress. If the transmission was successful, the corresponding MCAN_TXBTO[n] TOn and MCAN_TXBCF[n] CFn bits are set. If the transmission was not successful, only the corresponding bit MCAN_TXBCF[n] CFn = 1.
If pending transmission is cancelled immediately before this transmission could have been started, a short time window occurs where no transmission is started even if another message is also pending in this node. This may enable another node to transmit a message which may have a lower priority than the second message in this node.