SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
Bit 26 is used to indicate if the transfer is to regular memory space or to Tiled memory space. The VPDMA will use this to determine if it does standard raster based addressing or if it assumes that the data is stored in TILER format. If data is stored in TILER format then the buffer is turned into 2 or 4 line buffers depending on the container type. For shared clients that use the memory, such as the ancillary data and the VIP port, only one can be active, if the mode field is set. Only clients that support Tiling will properly pack the data for tiling on the output interface. This must only be set for channels going to clients that support the TILING feature in the client configuration.