SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
TDM mode on the McASP can extend to support multiprocessor applications, with up to 32 time slots per frame. For each of the time slots, the McASP may be configured to participate or to be inactive by configuring MCASP_TXTDM and/or MCASP_RXTDM registers.
The TDM sequencer (separate ones for transmit and receive) functions in this mode. The TDM sequencer counts the slots beginning with the frame sync. For each slot, the TDM sequencer checks the respective bit in either MCASP_TXTDM or MCASP_RXTDM to determine if the McASP transmits/receives in that time slot.
If a MCASP_TXTDM/MCASP_RXTDM bit defines an active slot (number of slot matches the bit position), the McASP functions normally during that time slot; otherwise, the McASP is inactive during that time slot; no update to the buffer occurs, and no event is generated. McASP (transmit only) data pins are automatically set to a high-impedance state, 0, or 1 during that slot, as determined by bitfield MCASP_XRSRCTLn[3:2] DISMOD.
Figure 26-127 shows when the transmit DMA event - AXEVT is generated. See Section, Data Ready Status and Event/Interrupt Generation for details on data ready and the initialization period indication. The transmit DMA event for an active time slot (slot N) is generated during the previous time slot (slot N - 1), regardless of the previous time slot (slot N - 1) being active or inactive.
During an active transmit time slot (slot N), if the next time slot (slot N + 1) is configured to be active, the copy from XRBUFn to XRSRn generates the DMA event for time slot N + 1. If the next time slot (slot N + 1) is configured to be inactive, then the DMA event will be delayed to time slot M - 1. In this case, slot M is the next active time slot. The DMA event for time slot M is generated during the first bit time of slot M - 1.
The receive DMA event is generated after data is received in the buffer (looks back in time). If a time slot is disabled, then no data is copied to the buffer for that time slot and no DMA event is generated.