SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The source and destination are each specified as little-endian or big-endian through the DMA4_CSDPi register for the particular logical channel. If the endianism of the source and destination differ, and if the logical channel ES is less than the DMA_SYSTEM module read/write port size, an endianism conversion is applied to the data before it is written to the destination.
When transferring data between a source and a destination with different endianism, it is important to specify an ES that equals the type of data being transferred to preserve the correct data image at the destination.
In the system, endianism conversion can be performed in more than one place. It is possible to instruct the source and/or destination to lock the endianism (that is, to not perform a conversion) through the logical DMA channel DMA4_CSDPi register.
Because the device is little-endian by construction, the DMA_SYSTEM endianism registers must never be set to big-endian.
If DMA_SYSTEM is used to execute endian conversion by setting the source and destination to different endianism values, it is important to consider that the L3_MAIN interconnect also executes endian conversion if the DMA_SYSTEM and the source or destination have a different data bus width.