SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
Software can globally reset the SATA controller, if a port reset does not clear the conditions successfully. On HBA reset, all SATA AHCI core interface registers are reset, excluding those from the hardware initialization domain - the SATA_PxCLB, SATA_PxCLBU, SATA_PxFB and SATA_PxFBU registers. All state machines that relate to data transfers and queuing return to IDLE state, and the port is reinitialized by sending COMRESET. The global reset is triggered when user software sets the SATA_GHC[0]HR = 0b1 bit. The HBA indicates that global reset is finished, deasserting the SATA_GHC[0]HR bit to 0b0 in hardware. Hence, user software must poll the HR bit to detect this condition. For more information, see the mentioned AHCI standard specification.