SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The H3A input is limited to 3008 pixels per horizontal line due to restrictions in the line memory width in the H3A.
To process image-sensor resolutions with more than 3008 pixels per line with no resolution loss, vertical FDM must be used; that is, the image must be divided into vertical chunks of less than 3008 pixels, and each chunk must be processed sequentially by the ISP. FDM is memory-to-memory processing and is not supported on the fly.
Alternatively, if loss of resolution is acceptable, the line width decimator (the IPIPEIF_RSZ3A[9] DECIM bit) can be enabled to downsample the input lines to a width equal to or less than the 3008 pixel maximum. The resize ratio (16/RSZ) can be configured by programming the IPIPEIF_RSZ3A[6:0] RSZ bit field to be within the range from 16 to 112 to give a resampling range from 1x to 1/7x.
When ALNSYNC is enabled (IPIPEIF_INIRSZ3A[13] ALNSYNC = 0x1), the IPIPEIF_INIRSZ3A[12:0] INIRSZ pixels are skipped (from the HD position) before the horizontal pixel decimator (see Figure 9-53).