SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
Figure 3-98 is an overview of the power-management modules and their internal connections with a generic power domain.
ISOIN, ISOCLKIN, WUCLKIN, WUIN, ISOOUT, ISOCLKOUT, WUCLKOUT and WUOUT connections are built with daisy chaining approach and are all VDD_WKUP_L level signals driven by PRM. WUEN and WUEVNT are VDD level signals driven by the control module and/or IO control module. ISOOVR and ISOBYPASS (for DDR IO only) are VDD level signals driven by the PRM.
ISOBYPASS control from PRM is routed to all the EMIF i/f IOs and ISOOVR control from PRM is routed to all the remaining IOs. These control signals are routed using ALWON VDD buffers. The ISOOVR pin on EMIF IOs is tied to 0 using ALWON tie-off cells. PRM also provides an output status "IO_ISO_ACTIVE" which is set when EMIF IOs are isolated or transitioning between isolation and functional mode, and which is cleared when EMIF IOs are functional.
it is required that the ISOCLKIN is forced to 1 during global power-on reset (PRM_PWRON_RST_n = 0).