SPRZ412N December 2013 – May 2024 TMS320F28374D , TMS320F28375D , TMS320F28376D , TMS320F28377D , TMS320F28377D-EP , TMS320F28377D-Q1 , TMS320F28378D , TMS320F28379D , TMS320F28379D-Q1
Flash: Reset of CPU2 While it has Pump Ownership Can Cause Erroneous Flash Reads From CPU1
0, A
If the CPU2 Subsystem is reset while it owns the flash pump semaphore, then the flash pump itself will also reset. Since the flash pump is also used by the CPU1 Subsystem, any instruction fetch or data read from flash by CPU1 will return invalid data. This will result in a hard fault, incorrect program execution, or an unspecified error in the application.
This erratum does not apply if the CPU2 Subsystem never writes to the PUMPREQUEST register to take ownership of the flash pump semaphore.
CPU1 must not access flash while CPU2 holds the flash pump semaphore ownership. The following steps describe how this can be achieved: