SWCU193A April 2023 – August 2024 CC2340R2 , CC2340R5 , CC2340R5-Q1
If the SYS_HDBF=1 the LGPT can optionally insert a deadband transition in a reference PWM signal. Deadband insertion is accomplished by taking a reference pulse width modulated signal and generating two pulse width modulated signals (IOn and IO_Cn) of the same frequency but with a deadband period inserted between the signals. This is shown in Figure 10-12.
As shown in Figure 10-12 RISEDLY and FALLDLY fields from the DBDLY register are added with a value of 1 during deadband insertion. Both IO and IO_C signals are also one system clock cycled delayed due to the deadband insertion logic.
Example Setup of Deadband on IO0 and IO_C0