The UART can generate interrupts when the following conditions are observed:
- Overrun error
- Break error
- Parity error
- Framing error
- Receive time-out
- Transmit (when the condition defined in the UART:IFLS TXSEL register bit is met)
- Receive (when the condition defined in the UART:IFLS RXSEL register bit is met)
- End of transmission (when no data on the TX line and TX FIFO underflow
- RX DMA Done
- TX DMA Done
All of the interrupt events are ORed together before being sent to the MCU event fabric, so the UART can only generate a single interrupt request at any given time. The software can service multiple interrupt events in a single interrupt service routine (ISR) by reading the UART Masked Interrupt Status Register (UART.MIS).
The interrupt events that can trigger a controller-level interrupt are defined in the UART Interrupt Mask Register (UART.IMSC) by setting the corresponding bits. If interrupts are not used, the raw interrupt status is always visible through the UART Raw Interrupt Status Register (UART.RIS).
Interrupts can be cleared (for the UART.MIS and UART.RIS registers) by setting the corresponding bit in the UART Interrupt Clear Register (UART.ICR).
The receive time-out interrupt is asserted when the RX FIFO is not empty, and no further data is received over a 32-bit period. The receive time-out interrupt is cleared either when the FIFO becomes empty through reading all the data (or by reading the holding register), or when the corresponding bit in the UART.ICR register is set.
The UART module provides the possibility of setting and clearing masks for every individual interrupt source using the UART Interrupt Mask Set/Clear Register (UART.IMSC). The five events that can cause combined interrupts to CPU are:
- RX: The receive interrupt changes state when one of the following events occurs:
- If the FIFOs are enabled and the receive FIFO reaches the programmed trigger level. When this happens, the receive interrupt is asserted high. The receive interrupt is cleared by reading data from the receive FIFO until it becomes less than the trigger level, or by clearing the interrupt.
- If the FIFOs are disabled (have a depth of one location) and data is received, thereby filling the location, the receive interrupt is asserted high. The receive interrupt is cleared by performing a single read of the receive FIFO, or by clearing the interrupt.
- TX: The transmit interrupt changes state when one of the following events occurs:
- If the FIFOs are enabled and the transmit FIFO is equal to or lower than the programmed trigger level, then the transmit interrupt is asserted high. The transmit interrupt is cleared by writing data to the transmit FIFO until it becomes greater than the trigger level, or by clearing the interrupt.
- If the FIFOs are disabled (have a depth of one location) and there is no data present in the transmitter's single location, the transmit interrupt is asserted high. The interrupt is cleared by performing a single write to the transmit FIFO, or by clearing the interrupt.
- RX time-out: The receive time-out interrupt is asserted when the receive FIFO is not empty, and no more data is received during a 32-bit period. The receive time-out interrupt is cleared either when the FIFO becomes empty through reading all the data (or by reading the holding register), or when 1 is written to the corresponding bit of the Interrupt Clear Register (UART:ICR).
- Modem status: The modem status interrupt is asserted if the modem status signal CTS toggles. It can be cleared using the corresponding clear bit in the UART.ICR register.
- Error: The error interrupt is asserted when an error occurs in the reception of data by the UART. The interrupt can be caused by a number of different error conditions:
- framing
- parity
- break
- overrun
The cause of the interrupt can be determined by reading the UART.RIS register or the UART.MIS register. The interrupt can be cleared by writing to the relevant bits of the UART.ICR register.
In addition to the five events produced by the UART module, two additional events are ORed to the interrupt line:
- RX DMA done: Indicates that the receiver µDMA task is completed. This is a level interrupt provided by the µDMA module.
- TX DMA done: Indicates that the transmit µDMA task is completed. This is a level interrupt provided by the µDMA module.