SWRA601L April 2019 – October 2024 CC1350 , CC1352P , CC1352P7 , CC1352R , CC2340R5 , CC2540 , CC2540T , CC2541 , CC2541-Q1 , CC2640 , CC2640R2F , CC2640R2F-Q1 , CC2642R , CC2642R-Q1 , CC2650 , CC2650MODA , CC2652P , CC2652R , CC2652R7 , CC2652RB , CC2652RSIP
Industry Canada (IC) is the Canadian authority for certifications and standards making. As the FCC certification, the IC certification can either be done through IC or a TCB. An IC certification requires to have a Canadian representative and a confirmation letter from the representative to be submitted with the application.
There is no need for extra RF testing when applying for certification in Canada if the equipment is already certified by FCC and meets the following conditions: