This Texas Instruments OpenThread GitHub repository (ot-ti) contains the software development components and tools that enable engineers to develop Thread based products. This repository is the starting point for Thread development on the supported SimpleLink CC13xx and CC26xx family of wireless microcontrollers (MCUs) for all Thread roles.
The SimpleLink MCU portfolio offers a single development environment that delivers flexible hardware, software, and tool options for customers developing wired and wireless applications. With 100 percent code reuse across host MCUs, Wi-Fi™, Bluetooth Low Energy, 2.4GHz, Sub-1GHz devices and more, choose the MCU or connectivity standard that fits your design. A one-time investment with the SimpleLink software development kit allows you to reuse often, opening the door to create unlimited applications. For more information, visit
Apple App Store
Google App Store
The SimpleLink Connect Mobile app is an example Bluetooth® Low Energy application for mobile devices that works with:
The app provides a baseline for users to quickly build their own mobile apps, using iOS or Android. Source code is provided enabling easy customization.
Windows Installer for SimpleLink SDK Wi-Fi Plugin
macOS Installer for SimpleLink SDK Wi-Fi Plugin
Linux Installer for SimpleLink SDK Wi-Fi Plugin
SimpleLink SDK Wi-Fi Plugin Users Guide
Wi-Fi Starter Pro mobile application for iOS and Android
This release adds the Power Estimator for CC23xx devices
Linux Installer for ARM CGT
Windows Installer for ARM CGT
MacOS Installer for ARM CGT
This is a long-term support release of the ARM Code Generation Tools (CGT) containing new enhancements and features. The ARM CGT provides software development tools including the compiler, assembler, and linker, among others, which can be used to develop applications with C/C++ source code for loading and running on ARM core processors.
Windows Installer for SimpleLink BLE Plug-in Azure Gateway Example Pack
macOS Installer for SimpleLink BLE Plug-in Azure Gateway Example Pack
Linux Installer for SimpleLink BLE Plug-in Azure Gateway Example Pack
SimpleLink BLE Plug-in Azure Gateway Example Pack User's Guide
The SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin Azure Gateway Example Pack is a companion software packages that enables a user to enable their BLE applications as a gateway to the Azure Cloud.
This Examples Pack requires prior download of the SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin, as well as the SimpleLink SDK E4 Azure Plugin. Without prior installation of those plugins, as well as their SDK dependencies, the examples in this Example Pack will not work.
The SimpleLink™ Low Power F2 Software Development Kit (SDK), formerly known as the CC13xx and CC26xx SDK, delivers components that enable engineers to develop applications on the Texas Instruments SimpleLink CC13xx and CC26xx family of wireless microcontrollers (MCUs). This software toolkit provides a cohesive and consistent software experience for all SimpleLink CC13xx and CC26xx wireless MCU users by packaging essential software components, such as a Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) protocol stack supporting Bluetooth 5.2, Zigbee 3.0 compliant protocol suite, RF-Proprietary examples, TI’s 15.4 Stack, TI Wi-SUN FAN Stack, Amazon Sidewalk examples, as well as the TI-RTOS7 and FreeRTOS™ kernels and TI Drivers in one easy-to-use software package along with example applications and documentation. In addition, the Dynamic Multi-Protocol Manager (DMM) software component enables multiprotocol development on a single SimpleLink wireless MCU.
Although not included in the SDK, SimpleLink CC13xx and CC26xx wireless MCUs are also capable of supporting the following wireless solutions: Please refer to their respective repositories for resources and more information.
The SimpleLink MCU portfolio offers a single development environment that delivers flexible hardware, software, and tool options for customers developing wired and wireless applications. With 100 percent code reuse across host MCUs, Wi-Fi™, Bluetooth Low Energy, Sub-1GHz devices and more, choose the MCU or connectivity standard that fits your design. A one-time investment with the SimpleLink software development kit allows you to reuse often, opening the door to create unlimited applications. For more information, visit
This is version of the SimpleLink Low Power F2 SDK. This version only contains internal metadata updates for integrating with the TI Developer Zone; there are no embedded software changes from the release. This SDK is also available on GitHub at
Zip file with Windows Installer and SW Manifest
Compressed source file archive
SmartRF Flash Programmer 2 can be used to program the flash memory in Texas Instruments ARM based low-power RF wireless MCUs over the debug and serial interfaces. The flash programmer includes both a graphical user interface and a command line interface.
Windows Installer for SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin
macOS Installer for SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin
Linux Installer for SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin
SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin User's Guide
The SimpleLink™ SDK BLE Plugin is a companion software package that enables the use of a Bluetooth radio on any standard MSP432P4 platform, MSP432E4 or CC32XX platform, and enables this two-chip solution to act as either a GAP Peripheral role or a GAP Central role. By having the ability to seamlessly and modularly add Bluetooth functionality (more specifically Bluetooth Low Energy/BLE) to an embedded system, a programmer can enable their embedded device to become a gateway to various IOT infrastructures.
For examples demonstrating the two-chip solution in a peripheral role, the plugin leverages the use of the TI Simple Application Processor (SAP) driver connected to a CC26xx Simple Network Processor (SNP) to provide a highly customizable hardware configuration. For software connectivity between the SAP and the SNP, an architecture agnostic HAL/Drivers layer is used to promote software portability and maximize collateral reuse.
For examples demonstrating the two-chip solution in a central role, communication between the NWP and the Host occurs through a UART serial interface using the Host Controller Interface (HCI) protocol. TI Vendor Specific HCI commands and a limited subset of Bluetooth LE HCI commands/events to implement a Bluetooth application. By using TI Vendor Specific commands and events, the application can communicate with and access the BLE stack.
SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2 includes software and firmware to capture and display over-the-air packets. The capture device is connected to the PC via USB. SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2 supports the CC13xx and CC26xx family of devices as capture device and uses Wireshark for packet display and filtering.
Please note that device revision C (1.1) of CC13x2/CC26x2 is no longer supported. Download SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2 v1.6.0 if you use CC13x2/CC26x2 device revision C (1.1).
UniFlash is a standalone tool used to program on-chip and external flash memory on TI MCUs and on-board flash memory for Sitara processors. UniFlash has a GUI, command line, and scripting interface. UniFlash is available free of charge.
Initial release of the SimpleLink CC13xx CC26xx Academy
Link to FCC, ISED, CE, & Japan Certification Reports
Link to FCC, ISED, CE, & UK, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan Certification Reports
Link to FCC, ISED, CE, & UK Certification Reports
Link to FCC, ISED, CE, & UK Certification Reports
Link to CC3230x-CC26x2EM-7ID Reference-Only CE & FCC Certification Reports
This page provides access to the CC26XX certification reports. Here you will find certification reports for both modules and EVMs. Note that module certification reports can be reused by the customer for regulatory compliance. However the customer should consult with their regulatory house to ensure they meet the requirements for certification at their product level. EVM certification reports are provided for reference only. When using a chip down version, the customer is responsible for their own certification.
Installer executable
Compressed archive
HTML document
Compressed source file archive
Sensor Controller Studio is used to write, test and debug code for the CC26xx/CC13xx Sensor Controller, allowing for ultra-low power application design.
The tool generates a Sensor Controller Interface driver, which is a set of C source files to be compiled into the System CPU (ARM Cortex-M3/M4) application. These source files contain the Sensor Controller firmware image and associated definitions, and generic functions that allow the System CPU application to control the Sensor Controller and exchange data.
The Sensor Controller is a small CPU core that is highly optimized for low power consumption and efficient peripheral operation. The Sensor Controller is located in the CC26xx/CC13xx auxiliary (AUX) power/clock domain, and can perform simple background tasks autonomously and independently of the System CPU and the MCU domain power state. Such tasks include but are not limited to:
The Sensor Controller is user programmable, using a simple programming language with syntax similar to C. This allows for sensor polling and other tasks to be specified as sequential algorithms, rather than static configuration of complex peripheral modules, timers, DMA, register programmable state machines, event routing and so on. The main advantages are:
The SysConfig tool is used configure TI software and hardware. For software configuration, SysConfig is used in conjunction with a TI SDK. For PinMux configuration, the tool may be used standalone.