SimpleLink™ CC3351 デュアル バンド Wi-Fi 6 と Bluetooth® Low Energy ブースタパック プラグイン モジュール
Linux® を実行するプロセッサ ホスト、または RTOS (リアルタイム OS) を実行するマイコン ホストを使用する組込みアプリケーションで、SimpleLink™ CC3351 Wi-Fi 6/Bluetooth® Low Energy の各種デバイスを採用すると、低コスト、高信頼性、セキュアな接続を実現できます。CC3351 M.2 カード プラグイン モジュール (M2-CC3351) は、TI プロセッサ ボードや、M.2 Key E インターフェイスをサポートする他のプロセッサ ボードに簡単に接続できるテスト / 開発ボードであり、迅速なソフトウェア開発が可能です。
この M2 カードは、以下の各プロセッサ ボードと簡単に組み合わせることができます。
- SK-AM62B-P1
- SK-AM62-LP
- CC3351 デュアル バンド Wi-Fi 6 と Bluetooth® Low Energy コンパニオン IC、QFN パッケージ封止
- MPU プラットフォームとのシームレスな統合
- SMA/U.FL ベースのテスト向けオプションが利用可能なオンボード チップ アンテナ
- M.2 Type 2230 Key E インターフェイス
CC33XX-QUICKTRACK-CONTROL-TOOL — The CC33XX QuickTrack Control App is a Wi-Fi automation test tool utilized for Wi-Fi® Certification
CC33XX-QUICKTRACK-CONTROL-TOOL — The CC33XX QuickTrack Control App is a Wi-Fi automation test tool utilized for Wi-Fi® Certification
CC33xx QuickTrack Control Tool Windows Installer
CC33xx QuickTrack Control Tool Linux Installer
Wi-Fi 製品
Click on the links in the table above to download. The CC33xx QuickTrack Control Tool is a Wi-Fi automation test tool utilized for Wi-Fi® Certification.
- fixed paths
- fix wps APUT settings file
- wps pin checksum script
SIMPLELINK-CONNECT — SimpleLink Connect App for the SimpleLink Low Power SDKs
SIMPLELINK-CONNECT — SimpleLink Connect App for the SimpleLink Low Power SDKs
Apple App Store
Google App Store
低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
Sub-1GHz ワイヤレス・マイコン
Wi-Fi 製品
The SimpleLink Connect Mobile app is an example Bluetooth® Low Energy application for mobile devices that works with:
- CC13xx and CC26xx devices running the SimpleLink Low Power SDK
- CC33xx devices attached to a host running the CC33XX Software.
The app provides a baseline for users to quickly build their own mobile apps, using iOS or Android. Source code is provided enabling easy customization.
- iOS compatible Bluetooth® Low Energy phone app and source code
- Android™ compatibly Bluetooth® Low Energy phone app and source code
- Dedicated screens for CGM profile, Glucose profile, and Wi-Fi Provisioning over BLE.
- Option to filter the scan list by service UUID and by BD address.
- Revised navigation flow to directly access the service-specific screen, with an option to switch back to the characteristic view.
- Ability to configure a generic URL as the firmware repository, not limited to GitHub.
- Updated settings view with configuration options separated into different screens.
CC33XX-LINUX-MPU — CC33xx device driver source for MPUs running Linux OS.
CC33XX-LINUX-MPU — CC33xx device driver source for MPUs running Linux OS.
CC33xx Linux MPU Windows Installer
CC33xx Linux MPU Linux Installer
CC33xx Linux MPU Version Logger Bin file
CC33XX Yocto Image for AM62P
CC33XX Yocto Image for AM62xx
CC33XX Yocto Image for AM335x
Wi-Fi 製品
The CC33xx Linux MPU Software Package delivers components that enable engineers to develop connected applications on Texas Instruments Wi-Fi Companion-IC devices. The product is comprised of multiple software components and examples of how to use these components together. In addition, examples are provided to demonstrate the use of each functional area and each supported device and as a starting point for your own projects.
This CC33xx Linux MPU Software Package delivers components that enable operation of the Texas Instruments CC33xx Wi-Fi and BLE family of wireless transceivers on Linux platforms.
This is version **** of the CC33xx Linux MPU Software Package
The version is a production quality release for 2.4/5Ghz devices
Previous release was
- Added new INI parameter to control TxPsatCompensation (0dB, 0.5dB, 1dB) - no change to default behavior
- Added new INI parameter to control RX AMPDU length: MaxRxAmpduLen (8K, 16K) - no change to default behavior
- Update in INI file the default setting of 'PowerSaveScheme' to 'no ps poll' mode - move to active for every TX \ RX
SIMPLELINK-WIFI-TOOLBOX — SimpleLink Wi-Fi Toolbox collection of tools to help development and testing of the CC33xx
SIMPLELINK-WIFI-TOOLBOX — SimpleLink Wi-Fi Toolbox collection of tools to help development and testing of the CC33xx
SimpleLink WiFi ToolBox Linux Installer
SimpleLink WiFi ToolBox Windows Installer
SimpleLink WiFi ToolBox MacOS Installer
SimpleLink WiFi ToolBox Intel MacOS Installer
Wi-Fi 製品
SimpleLink Wi-Fi Toolbox is a cross-platform software kit, that provides all required tools for fast and easy ramp-up of the CC33xx family of devices. One of the included tools is Radio Tool.
Radio Tool is a tool for RF evaluation and testing of CC33xx designs, during development and certification. The tool enables low-level radio testing capabilities by manually setting the radio into transmit or receive modes. Usage of the tool requires familiarity and knowledge of radio circuit theory and radio test methods.
- Support Radio Tool for Wi-Fi 2.4GHz / 5GHz
- Support Radio Tool for BLE
- Support INI Composer
- Support Logging